Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Well, I am supposed to be having prolotherapy done in an hour, but after much thought and many checks of the weather channel, Brad and I decided it would be best to reschedule because of the blizzard that is coming.  Although the storm is not supposed to hit us until tonight, it is supposed to hit Mishawaka this afternoon around the time we would have been driving home.  

Talk about bummed.  I have been counting down the days until prolo.  And now (being the worry wart that I am) I am stressing that the roads won't be okay by Thursday...I tried to ask for a Friday appointment but Friday was booked.  So my fingers are crossed for clear roads and safe travels by Thursday morning at 10:00. 

People keep reminding me how much it is gonna hurt, but in the long run it's supposed to (hopefully) help take care of a lot of the pain I experience each day.  One of the biggest sources of pain I have is muscle guarding pain.  Because my ligaments and tendons are so stretched and do not do their job to stabilize my joints, the muscles work overtime to do their job AND the job of the ligaments, causing some major muscle spasms.  This creates lots of back and neck pain for me, so the hope is that the prolo will strengthen and tighten the ligaments so that they can do their job again so my muscles can have a break and go back to doing what they are meant to do. 

So I say, bring on the pain. 

(I realize I may be saying something very different on Thursday :)   

While I wait a couple more days for my appointment, I will be doing rehab in my house...I have a feeling Brad will be home tomorrow for a snow day so hopefully we can hunker down, watch the snow fall, and maybe, just maybe, I can convince him to play board games with me.


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