Friday, June 3, 2011

Five For Friday 6/3/11

1.  Medical Stuff:
  • 1 Day of PT
  • 2 Days of Home Rehab
  • Prolotherapy round 5 was on Tuesday on my left hip, lower back/rib area, upper back, and neck.
  • I scheduled an appointment with Dr. Grubb for July 11.  When I saw Beverly, his NP, in April for POTS, she told me to call at the beginning of June to make a follow-up appointment with Dr. Grubb. Since I was told he had "more than a year waiting list" when I was trying to get into him in December, I did not think it would be possible to just call in June and get into him in July.  But it was super easy.  I could have seen him July 1st if I had wanted.  I guess when you are already an established patient, it makes a world of difference.

2.  I visited the school where I teach on Thursday.  I saw a few of my closest teacher friends and the kids in my classroom.  Mrs. Blake and Ms. Margaret have done such an amazing job with the kids in my absence this year.  Words cannot describe how grateful I am.  The best part of course was seeing the beautiful kids.  I definitely felt the love and was very impressed with how far many of the kids have come this year.  Kids I had last year who didn't know letter sounds were writing sentences yesterday!  What a mixed bag of emotions I felt in those two hours.  Excitement, love, sadness, hope...Thankfully I had physical therapy immediately afterwards, which was a great place to release a lot of these emotions.  

These are the things that just add to my motivation.  Makes me tear up just looking at it.  (Karen, don't start, or I will too! :) ) 
3.  On Sunday, my Mom and I were stuck in the back of the Okemos Target for an hour and a half during a tornado warning with many of the employees and customers.  Luckily, we made it out safe and sound.

Holding my $3 off voucher I was given for my "inconvenience," and wearing my new straw beach hat.  That is one yucky extreme close up!

Mom sitting in the back of Target with a bunch of people in her new beach hat.

4.  On Memorial Day, I went to the cemetery with Brad, my Mom, and my Dad to pay my respects to Grandma Gert and Grandpa Dudley.  We cleaned off their graves, and brought them the flags from Andy's graduation ceremony.  

RIP Grandpa Dudley

RIP Grandma Gert

Mom holding the flags from Andy's graduation before she put them next to her parent's graves.

Love you and miss you Grandma Gert and Grandpa Dudley

5.  This is the time of year I barely see Brad.  He is so busy with end of the school year events, going to Camp Ebersole, his annual "Guy's Golf Weekend," and coaching MSU Basketball Camps.  This weekend is the golf weekend.  Last year he won the trophy for being a trooper when a golf cart fell on his leg and he had to go to the ER....

He has had the cup a year now, so it is someone else's turn to win the cup.  I told Brad when he left that it is not worth it to win it again this year...No injuries, PLEASE!  He answered with, "Well, if you win it two years in a row you get your name engraved on it."  Oh boy.  Let me just say that if he doesn't win it this year, I will be content knowing his body is (hopefully) in one piece, and that I will no longer have to dust it each week.  

While Brad is in Gaylord golfing, my Mom is at CMU at Special Olympics with her students until Saturday.  Therefore, my Dad and I had a sushi date last night.  Yum.  If you live in the Lansing area and have not tried Sushi Moto, you should.  It's really fresh and so good.

I was dying watching my Dad use the chop sticks

Making our way through the rolls.  Mmmm

1 comment:

  1. Love your black and white hat! Mare's is cute too. Glad you felt well enough to visit your class room and that your kids are doing well!!

    Love you, love you
