Friday, November 12, 2010

Five for Friday 11/12/10

1. Celebrated Daylight Savings by eating at Panera, and taking a trip to Target. We bought checkers and chess and I plan on beating Brad as soon as he gets brave enough to play me. 
2.  Started watching the first season of Modern Family since we just started watching it this season.  Man is that show hilarious.
 3.  Started drinking Dr. Joe's Magic Green Potion to bring down inflammation (will post more about that later). I also received some fancy medical equipment-a TENS unit for pain, a muscle stimulator for muscle spasms, and a cervical traction unit.
4.  Emailed a doctor out of the blue in Mishawaka, Indiana about prolotherapy.  Did not know if I would hear back but I did within a few hours.  Some doctors really, really care. 
5. Meghan and Jackson came to visit!  I loved seeing them and could not believe how big Jackson is getting! I can't wait for our next visit soon. Hopefully it will involve CRANIUM!

1 comment:

  1. We loved the visit too! Can't wait for a good round of cranium!! Love you, love you!!! Go green...
