Saturday, December 18, 2010

Five For Friday 12/18/10

Forgive me, I'm a day late.  Had a yuck day yesterday-all hurricanes going at once; POTS, neck, Migraine, GI...Was on the massage pillow and heating pad most of the day and in bed at 8:30...Hopefully today will be a better day.

1.   Larry had me meet with a doctor from Minnesota who was in town for the weekend teaching at the MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine, Principles of Manual Medicine Course.  He spent an hour Sunday and an hour Monday doing visceral manipulations on me.  AND, his wife and daughter both have EDS! Visceral Manipulation is a type of gentle manipulation that helps relieve imbalances and restrictions in the interconnections between the motions of all the organs and structures of the body. (I took that from

2. Theresa and I made Buckeyes!  I have always wanted to learn, but now I am not so sure I wanted to know exactly how much sugar, butter, and peanut butter goes into making them.  Nevertheless, they are still
one of my faves, and I can still justify eating them since they are a good source of protein, right :)

Not the prettiest, but they still taste good!

Buckeye Bags for Brad's Co-Workers and our Neighbors

3.  I went to the Dentist.  Still no cavities, but I must get better at flossing!  I had more bleeding in my gums, which is also connective tissue, so I must do a lot more preventative care so that EDS does not invade my mouth!  My dentist copied the dental pages from Dr. Tinkle's book.  I appreciate a doctor who is always willing to learn!

4.  Andy took me to Angola to see the spine doc.  The next step is facet injections into my neck (in hopes to calm the joints, and therefore the muscles down) and another T9/T10 nerve block.

5.  I received the records I needed to fax to Dr. Grubb's office to get scheduled for an appointment for the POTS.  I faxed them yesterday, got home, and called to make sure the office received them.  The lady said she did and she will be calling me in February to set up an appointment to see the nurse practioner in March, or she will call me next November to schedule an appointment to see Dr. Grubb next December if I'd rather.  Is it me, or is that just crazy to have a year wait!  I think Dr. Grubb needs to clone himself.  I told her I would definitely like to see the NP in a few months. 

I just realized that was a lot of medical stuff, but that pretty much sums up my week!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katie, Just finished reading your post(s). Very interesting stuff and thank you for answering all those questions. When we see you in 2 weeks (!) we won't have to talk about your medical stuff. Unless you want to of course! Eric and I really miss you and Brad. Love, Teal
